Profiling Cinema - the Anteo pioneering project

  • A network of cinemas with which to develop a new working methodology

Anteo project has been selected as one of the 17 pioneering projects for the third edition of its flagship initiative Collaborate to Innovate. The scheme, launched in 2021, champions innovative collaborations within the Europa Cinemas Network at both the national and European levels.

The project is called "Profiling Cinema" and we wanted to create a network of cinemas with which to develop a new working methodology that would enable them to develop useful information to create and nurture their respective audiences. The participating cinemas possess a substantial pool of users, acquired over the years thanks to their own effective cultural offerings and their respective communication, promotion and sales processes. To date, however, these contacts are not managed and, therefore, qualified. The new approach provided by this project allows the creation of a structure, a marketing and then a sales process, that gives value to the initial contact, which is so highly profiled. The project represents a first step towards innovation in the digital communication of theatres, about the relationship with their audiences: thanks to Marketing Automation, which is at the heart of our project, we reduce the distance between theatres and their audiences, i.e. the moments when contacts, after having performed certain actions, freeze, not continuing with the activity of purchasing tickets.

The project

Profiling Cinema is a project by Anteo and consists in the implementation by the Network cinemas of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management), a customer information management software able to innovate digital communication and, in general, the working method of each participating cinema.

Specifically, the CRM platform will be installed and implemented to make available to the entire Network (consisting of a total of 15 halls based in Milano, Genova, Torino, Udine and Roma) a useful tool for gathering customer information and its subsequent use for profiling and audience engagement within Marketing Automation processes.  Through the implementation of CRM, each hall will be able to know its audience.

Our Goal

With this project, we want to create new ways of connecting the audience to the cinema, enhancing the audience experience thanks to the possibilities provided by digital. By 'experience' we don't only mean the moment of the viewing of the film, but also the period before and after, i.e. that of the search for information and that of the impact the film has on the spectator.

This project responds to the characteristics of the Italian audience.

This project is based on the characteristics of the audience, since it will be possible to adapt the cinemas' offer to the interests and preferred modalities of the spectators, identified with the use of CRM.  In this way, a plurality of audiences will be involved, with a view to increasing their social diversity as well. Customizing the offer puts the viewer at the center, supporting their uniqueness.

Profiling Cinema - the Anteo pioneering project

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